Program Low Current Probe
If your PDA came with a low current probe, it may already have the probe
calibration option pre-programmed (usually labeled MA10 and/or MA100
to correspond with the calibration options on the Interro PDA60 probe)
NOTE: The AMP menu option is for
a high current probe and not the low current probe.
To program the PDA for a low current probe
(Same as 10mV/100mA, 1mV/10mA):
- Select LAB SCOPE from the MAIN MENU.
- Move cursor to any of the 4 channels
and select PROBE.
- Press F2 to add a new probe to the list.
- Enter name dialog appears. Pick a name
that clearly describes probe calibration setting. For example, a probe
calibration of 100mv/A might be called: 100mV/1A or LowAmp.
- Select DONE.
- Next, enter a gain value. For 100mv/1A
setting (same as 10mV/100mA, 1mV/10mA): enter 6400 and select DONE.
- Next, enter probe units (measurement
qualifier) Enter A or amp for amps and select DONE.
- When using this setup, insure that the
probe is set to 100mV/1A (same as 10mV/100mA, 1mV/10mA).
- The low amp probe with a 100mv/A calibration
is now set up in the meter.
NOTE: The screen measurement qualifier
will be in amperage, not voltage.
To program the PDA for a low current
probe 10mV/1A
( Same as 1mV/100mA, .1mV/10mA)
- To set up the 10mV/A calibration perform
the same steps as above but enter a gain value of 3E800. Of course,
you'll want to give it a different name as well.
- For probes that use other calibrations,
contact the Interro technical support department at 1-800-434-6744,
they will be glad to help you.
NOTE: The screen measurement qualifier
will be in amperage, not voltage.
NOTE: Unless you delete your entries,
there is no need to input this information again. To recall, simply
select the new probe entries from the PROBE MENU.
Multimeter Mode
(Using your new probe setup)
- Select METER from the MAIN MENU.
- Highlight PROBE for the appropriate
channel and press ENTER.
- From the CHOOSE PROBE TYPE menu, select
the appropriate low current probe entry.
- Press F3-go and you will have a digital
and a graphic display of current.
NOTE: The screen measurement qualifier
will be in amperage, not voltage.
Lab Scope Mode
- Select LAB SCOPE from the MAIN MENU.
- Select appropriate channel and highlight
PROBE and press ENTER.
- Select the appropriate low current probe
- Set appropriate time base and current
range for the display and press F3-go.
- Once the signal is on the display you
may choose to set the trigger:
- Press F4 and a CROSSHAIR appears.
- Use arrow keys to position CROSSHAIR.
- Press ENTER and select UP ARROW.
NOTE: Consult your user's manual
for more information.