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Tips for getting the most from the AES Wave:                   Return to Details


            Opening files using Drag and Drop

            Quick Keys - short cuts for entering data

            Copy the graphics from a record in the grid or open record view to the clipboard

            Changing database field labels

            Entering the same data

            Presentation mode

            Printing the database list

            Editing entries within the database lookup fields


Opening files using Drag and Drop



A great way to open files in the AES Wave is to drag from the File Manager. Simply position your mouse on the desired file in File Manager and drag to the AES Wave window while holding down the left mouse button. Release the mouse button and the file will open. Of course, the file will have to be of a type that is supported by the AES Wave.


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Quick Keys – short cuts for entering data



In most text boxes, pressing the following combination of keys will quickly enter the following information. This is especially useful when entering text when saving a record to the database.


CTL-D               Current date

CTL-T                Current time

CTL-U               User information as it is entered in SETUP | USER INFO... form

CTL-F               Filename of active window


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Copy the graphics from a record in the grid or open record view to the clipboard



To quickly copy the graphics from an open record or the current record within the database grid simply position the mouse over the graphic and click the right mouse button. This sets the focus of the program to the graphic. Next select EDIT | COPY.


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Changing database field labels



Field labels for the records in the database can easily be changed from the EDIT / SAVE Record window. For example, a field might have the name ENGINE and you want it to be POWER SOURCE, or ENG.


  • Select to save or edit a record to open the EDIT / SAVE RECORD window
  • Click the mouse on the text of the label you wish to change
  • A small dialog will appear
  • Enter the new label


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Entering the same data



If you have to save many records that have the same basic entries, the AES Wave can auto-fill the database fields. When you save (EDIT / SAVE RECORD) the first record, and after the fields you wish to repeat are entered, press the DEFAULTS | SET button.


To auto-fill the following records press DEFAULTS | DISPLAY button.


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Presentation mode



Presentation mode displays the graphics of the database, from the database grid, full screen in order within the grid.  Set the program focus to the database grid window (title bar blue – just click the mouse somewhere on the window).  Select VIEW | FULL SCREEN.


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Printing the database list



It is now possible to print a table of the field entries of all the records on display in the database grid. Set the program focus to the database grid window (title bar blue – just click the mouse somewhere on the window).  Press the PRINT GRID button.


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Editing entries within the database lookup fields



Every time you make an entry into the database, the entries are saved into a table and are available in the database EDIT / SAVE Window drop down boxes. This makes it possible to reuse the exact spelling and capitalization of the entry. For example, if you have entries in the SYMPTOM field, Hesitation and Hesitate and you want to change Hesitate to Hesitation. To change and update all records select DATABASE | TABLES and follow the instructions.


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