User Application Tips

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The LEDs on the grounds (4 and 5) and the power (16) make it easily identify a blown fuse to the DLC pin 16 power. Also, if LEDs go dim when the scan tool is connected then you know you have a vehicle wiring problem.
The LineSpi will allow a tech to use a jumper to easily ground a pin for diagnostic purposes to flash codes on an ABS or SIR system using flash code diagnostics.
The tool also allows quick access to 'scope test' a communication line for data corruption problems such as a short to ground or a short to voltage.
The tool allows for a quick access to hookup a voltmeter for power or ground supply rather than hooking up to a battery that may have dirty terminals of just not easily accessible.



VAG-1551/1552 and aftermarket radios issue - It has been brought to our attnetion that the VAG-Saver
K-Line Tester is no longer available. ross-tech has information on their web site that outlines the problems and includes how to test for yourself.    Dealing with scroll down to the section entitled Test for this problem yourself (Thank you Howard Pitkow)